September, Friday 20, 2024

Possibility of Ex-President Ernest Bai Koroma's Departure from Sierra Leone Amid Exile Speculations


Former Sierra Leonean president, Ernest Bai Koroma, has been given permission by the High Court to travel abroad for medical reasons, despite facing treason charges. There have been rumors that Koroma has agreed to go into exile if the charges against him are dropped. The charges are related to a failed coup last year, in which about 20 people lost their lives. Koroma, who served as president from 2007 to 2018, strongly denies these allegations. According to a court order seen by the BBC, Koroma is allowed to travel to Nigeria for medical treatment, but he must return within three months and appear before a Sierra Leonean court on 6 March. The attack last year involved gunmen breaking into a military armor and several prisons in the capital city, Freetown, resulting in almost 2,000 inmates being freed. The government labeled it as an attempted coup and subsequently charged Koroma and 12 other suspects. This is an ongoing news story, and more details will be provided shortly.