September, Friday 20, 2024

El Salvador's President Seeks Re-election by Stamping out Gangs


Francisco Villegas, a staunch supporter of El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele, traveled back from his home in Pennsylvania to vote for him. Villegas, like many Salvadorans living abroad, believes that Bukele has brought positive changes to the country in the past five years, making it safer than before. Bukele's campaign spots have featured bereaved relatives of victims of gangs, thanking the president for his military-led crackdown on crime. This message resonates with voters who fear a return to the gang violence of the past. However, critics argue that Bukele's reelection is unconstitutional and that his control over the three branches of power could lead to authoritarianism. Human rights organizations have also raised concerns about the mass arrests made under Bukele's gang crackdown, with some claiming that innocent people have been unjustly detained. Despite these criticisms, Bukele remains popular among voters who see him as a tough leader who can address the country's security issues.