September, Friday 20, 2024

El Salvador's President Bukele asserts success in election triumph


President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador, known for his efforts in cracking down on gangs in the country, claims to have been re-elected. The 42-year-old made the announcement on social media, stating that he had secured 85% of the vote, although this has yet to be officially confirmed. President Bukele was granted permission by the constitutional court to run for a second term. He has gained popularity due to his successful campaign against crime, which has significantly improved the security situation in El Salvador. Previously one of the most violent countries in the world, it is now considered one of the safest in Latin America. Despite his achievements, Mr. Bukele has been somewhat controversial. Human rights organizations accuse him of making arbitrary arrests during his anti-gang initiatives, with an estimated 75,000 people detained under extended emergency measures. Amnesty International criticized the government's use of force, claiming that it has replaced gang violence with state violence. Moreover, President Bukele's bid for re-election has faced criticism since he is prohibited by the constitution from serving consecutive terms. However, the constitutional court, which is predominantly comprised of his supporters, permitted a second term as long as he stepped down temporarily before the next term. Mr. Bukele fulfilled this requirement by nominally resigning as president a few weeks ago. He is set to be sworn in again in June.