September, Friday 20, 2024

Dozens injured in fire at police complex in Egypt


At least 38 people have been injured in a massive fire that broke out at a police complex in Egypt, according to emergency services and local media. The fire, which occurred in Ismailia, has been contained by firefighters, and nearby hospitals have been put on alert. Videos circulating on social media show the building engulfed in flames. The cause of the fire remains unknown, and the government has not made any statements on the incident. Parts of the headquarters of the Directorate of Security reportedly collapsed as a result of the fire. Egypt's health ministry has dispatched 50 ambulances and two military aircraft to the scene, where 24 individuals are receiving treatment for asphyxiation and two for burns. Concerns have been raised that the number of injuries could rise, possibly leading to fatalities, given the scale of the blaze. Witnesses have stated that firefighters initially struggled to control the fire, but local media reports that they eventually managed to contain it after three hours. Deadly fires are sadly common in Egypt due to lax enforcement of fire codes and slow emergency response times. Last year in August, a fire caused by a short circuit resulted in the death of 41 people in a church in Cairo.