September, Friday 20, 2024

Significant Prison Operation Commences by Security Forces in Ecuador


Security forces in Ecuador have launched an operation in a major prison complex in the city of Guayaquil. Soldiers and police officers have entered the facility to restore order after a week of riots in jails across the country. President Daniel Noboa has declared that his government is at war with gangs and organized crime. This action comes after the escape of gang leader Adolfo Macías Villamar, also known as "Fito," from the same complex. Images show hundreds of troops storming the main prison in Guayaquil as the government cracks down on gangs. The government's move follows the murder of prosecutor César Suárez, who was investigating organized crime. Suárez was killed on his way to a hearing after investigating a siege at a local television station where journalists were held hostage at gunpoint. Fito's escape earlier in the year triggered violence inside the prison system and on the streets. President Noboa declared a state of emergency and ordered the military to neutralize armed groups. He vows not to allow the violence to continue and is determined to combat terrorist organizations. The escape of Fito and the subsequent violence is a setback for President Noboa's young presidency, which began in November. His election was marred by the assassination of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, who had received death threats from Fito.