September, Friday 20, 2024

Ecuador Faces Presidential Election Amidst Ongoing Violence


Ecuador is currently holding a run-off election for its presidency, but the campaign has been overshadowed by a surge in crime that has made the country one of the most violent in the region. The first round of voting took place shortly after the assassination of candidate Fernando Villavicenio in the capital city of Quito. Seven suspects were arrested in connection with the killing but later died in jail. Security has become a major concern for voters in the country. In the run-off election, voters will choose between centrist candidate Daniel Noboa, representing the National Democratic Action coalition, and left-wing candidate Luisa González, from the Citizen Revolution Movement. Noboa, the 35-year-old son of a wealthy banana magnate, was a surprise success in the first round, securing himself a spot in the run-off and overtaking González in the opinion polls. González, a lawyer who gained 34% of the votes in the first round, has the support of former president Rafael Correa. Correa wields significant political influence in Ecuador, despite living in Belgium since leaving office in 2017. The divisive former leader, who was convicted of campaign finance violations in 2020, is González's handpicked candidate and would serve as her main adviser if she wins. Both González and Noboa have addressed voters' concerns about the country's soaring murder rate and the growing power of gangs. Noboa has proposed relocating hardened criminals to prison ships off the coast to disrupt gang activity, as well as implementing stricter security measures at borders and ports to combat drug trafficking. He has also promised to boost employment opportunities. On the other hand, González aims to address the root causes of crime by promoting social integration and job creation for those at risk of joining gangs due to limited prospects. However, her opposition to abortion, even in cases of rape and incest, has alienated some women voters who desire a female leader for the country. The winner of the election will be inaugurated on November 25th, but they will only serve for 17 months until the next presidential election. This is due to the current election being triggered early when former President Guillermo Lasso dissolved parliament amid an impeachment trial.