September, Friday 20, 2024

Northwest China earthquake claims lives of at least 95

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According to state media, a powerful earthquake that struck north-west China on Monday has resulted in the death of at least 95 people, with another 220 individuals sustaining injuries. The earthquake occurred in Gansu province and Qinghai province, causing significant damage to buildings in both regions. The US Geological Survey has reported that the magnitude of the quake was 5.9, with a depth of 10km. Rescue operations have begun, with the central government dispatching rescue teams to assist local emergency workers. In Gansu, 86 people died and 96 were injured, while in Qinghai, nine people lost their lives and 124 sustained injuries. Footage from the affected area revealed rescuers searching through debris and collapsed buildings. Additionally, power and water supplies have been disrupted. Due to its location at the convergence of several tectonic plates, including the Eurasian, Indian, and Pacific plates, China is vulnerable to earthquakes. In September of last year, a 6.6-magnitude quake in Sichuan province resulted in the deaths of over 60 individuals.