September, Friday 20, 2024

Explosion claims lives at market in Donetsk, a city under Russian control, as reported by local authorities.


According to Denis Pushilin, the leader of the Russian-held city of Donetsk, at least 25 individuals were killed in a shelling attack. He claimed that a Ukrainian strike hit a busy market and left 20 people injured. Emergency services were deployed to the scene, and information on the casualties was still being gathered. Ukraine has not yet made any comments on the incident.Reuters news agency published photographs showing destroyed shop fronts and bodies on the streets, confirming the severity of the attack. Donetsk city and surrounding areas have been under the partial control of Moscow since 2014 when Russian-backed forces initially took over. The city is located approximately 20km (12 miles) from the frontline, and the nearby regions, such as Mariinka and Avdiivka, have experienced intense clashes in recent times.