September, Thursday 19, 2024

Reinstatement of Gag Order on Donald Trump in New York's Civil Fraud Trial


A gag order preventing Donald Trump and his team from criticizing court personnel in his civil fraud trial in New York has been reinstated by a US court. The order was initially issued by Judge Arthur Engoron in October, citing threats against his chambers. However, it was put on hold two weeks ago by an appellate judge who had concerns over free speech rights. Trump's attorney has called it a "tragic day for the rule of law" and criticized the fairness of the process. The gag order was imposed after Trump posted disparaging remarks about the judge's law clerk, and his lawyers have sued the judge and called for a mistrial. An appeals court panel has upheld the gag order, with Judge Engoron vowing to enforce it rigorously. Trump and his organization are accused of inflating property values by over $2 billion in order to secure loans. If found guilty, they face fines and the potential dissolution of their New York real estate empire. The trial is expected to conclude in January. In addition to the New York trial, Trump is also fighting a gag order in the federal case in Washington DC related to the 2020 election.