September, Friday 20, 2024

Dominica set to establish the world's pioneering sanctuary for sperm whales


The Caribbean island of Dominica is set to establish the world's first sperm whale reserve, according to Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit. The reserve will cover an area of approximately 800 sq km (300 sq miles) off the island's western coast. The decision aims to protect the endangered species, as the area serves as an important nursing and feeding ground for these majestic mammals. The prime minister highlighted the historical significance of sperm whales in Dominica and stressed the need to safeguard their well-being to maintain the health of the island's waters and climate. While commercial fishing and large ships will be banned in the reserve, sustainable artisanal fishing practices will be permitted. Tourists will have the opportunity to observe and swim with the whales, but there will be limitations on the number of visitors allowed. To minimize disruption, regulations will also require large ships to utilize designated corridors in the ocean.