September, Friday 20, 2024

Abandoned Puppy with Extra Legs Discovered in Parking Lot


In a distressing incident, a puppy with six legs was found abandoned in a supermarket car park in Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire. The 11-week-old female spaniel was discovered with two additional hind limbs and two vulvas. Concerned individuals have managed to raise over £2,000 to fund the surgical removal of her extra back legs, although veterinarians have cautioned that one of her remaining normal back legs may also need to be amputated during the process. After being located in a state of distress, she was taken to Greenacres Rescue near Haverfordwest by the council's dog warden. At Fenton Vets, she was examined and subsequently named Ariel due to her resemblance to a mermaid's tail. Ariel initially displayed signs of fear and timidity. The founder and manager of Greenacres Rescue, Mikey Lawlor, shared that Ariel had likely not been left alone for an extended period as her coat was dry and she did not appear hungry or underweight. Ariel's fused extra legs consist of a single thigh bone that divides into two shin bones at the knee joint, rendering them non-functional. Additionally, due to having two hip joints on one side, her pelvis did not develop correctly, leading to poor muscle tone in her normal back right leg. Lawlor mentioned that Ariel's extra vulva would eventually be removed when she undergoes neutering. The current plan is to allow Ariel time to recover from her ordeal and adjust to life with a foster family for a month, during which she will be closely monitored. The public has shown tremendous support, with thousands of pounds raised for Ariel's treatment and over 200 offers to adopt her. However, adoption applications will not be considered until her future is determined.