September, Thursday 19, 2024

Can bodybuilding be linked to the early onset of perimenopause?


Adele Johnston, a former bodybuilder and double gold champion, experienced various alarming symptoms including hair loss, bleeding gums, heart palpitations, itchy skin, and swollen genitals. After undergoing numerous scans and tests, it was discovered that she was in the early stage of perimenopause, which typically occurs around the age of 46 for women. However, Adele was only in her early 30s at the time. She attributed her health issues to the extreme diets and fitness routines that she followed as a bodybuilder. Adele's body weight dropped significantly, and she became emaciated. Doctors suspect that her intense bodybuilding activities may have disrupted her menstrual cycle, leading to the onset of perimenopause. Adele has since stopped bodybuilding and, in addition to hormone replacement therapy and a Mirena coil, she has found relief from her perimenopausal symptoms. Although she hasn't confirmed if her cycle has returned to normal, she is unwilling to remove her medication to find out. Adele's experience has prompted her to become a menopause coach and advocate for greater awareness and research on early menopause causes.