September, Thursday 19, 2024

Derna: Resilient Libyan City Struggling with Catastrophic Flooding


People in the city of Derna in Libya are experiencing a catastrophic situation after floods caused by bursting dams resulted in the deaths of over 5,300 people and the destruction of numerous homes. Johr Ali, a Libyan reporter living in exile in Istanbul, described the scenes of devastation reported by survivors. Complete families have been swept away by the powerful floodwaters, with one friend finding his nephew dead in the street, washed away from his rooftop. Another friend lost his entire family in the disaster, including his newly married wife and eight-month-old child. Disturbingly, one survivor witnessed a woman hanging from a streetlight after being carried away by the floods. The port city of Derna, which had a population of around 90,000 people, now has approximately 10,000 missing individuals. These victims are feared to have been washed away into the Mediterranean Sea by the force of the floodwaters. The city is covered in mud, rubble, and upturned vehicles, with only three out of ten districts surviving the flooding. The cries of young children can be constantly heard throughout the city. Rescue operations are underway to locate survivors, but many are believed to be trapped under collapsed buildings. People are desperately trying to reach those trapped underground and are using shovels and their bare hands to recover bodies. The situation is described as catastrophic. The disaster has prompted rare cooperation between rival governments in Libya, with aid planes carrying medical supplies being sent from Tripoli to the eastern city of Benghazi. However, the divisions between the governments remain, with little support being provided by the eastern authorities led by Khalifa Haftar. Both governments have been criticized for their inadequate response to the crisis. Although the United Nations and the Red Cross have pledged support for relief efforts, minimal supplies have reached the survivors. Currently, only Turkey has provided aid to the city of Derna, but on a small scale. Many people are without shelter, food, and clean water, relying on each other for assistance. Urgent international support is required to help the people affected by the disaster.