September, Friday 20, 2024

Delhi's Air Quality Index (AQI): Exploring Why India's Capital Struggles to Improve Breathing Conditions Compared to Beijing


The article discusses the stark difference in air quality between Delhi and Beijing, two heavily populated Asian capitals. While both cities have suffered from toxic smog in the past, Beijing has made significant progress in improving air quality while Delhi continues to struggle. Beijing implemented various measures to combat air pollution, including banning new coal capacities, raising fuel and engine standards, and encouraging the use of electric cars and bicycles. These efforts have resulted in a 50% decrease in air pollution in Beijing since 2013. Delhi has also taken steps to improve air quality, such as closing polluting industries, shutting down coal-based power plants, and implementing stricter emission standards. However, the city still faces challenges due to inadequate planning, ineffective policies, and partisan politics. Vehicular emissions and burning of crop stubble are major contributors to Delhi's pollution. The lack of regional planning and integration between different modes of public transport further hinders progress. Experts suggest that Delhi should learn from Beijing's success and implement decisive actions to combat air pollution.