September, Friday 20, 2024

Army Report Reveals Unceasing Sexual Harassment Endured by Deceased Soldier


A teenage female soldier, Royal Artillery Gunner Jaysley Beck, is believed to have died by suicide following relentless sexual harassment by one of her superiors, according to an Army investigation. Gunner Beck was found dead at Larkhill Camp in Wiltshire in December 2021. The investigation report, seen by the BBC, states that she experienced an intense period of unwelcome behavior, which likely played a significant role in her death. The report, to be published on Wednesday, reveals that Gunner Beck's boss harassed her for two months before her death, bombarding her with over 1,000 WhatsApp messages and voicemails in October 2021, escalating to more than 3,500 messages in November. The messages displayed controlling behavior and the boss constantly sought reassurance that she was alone, expressing his inability to handle the thought of her being with someone else. Gunner Beck initially considered her boss a friend but sent him a message just before her death expressing her inability to handle the situation any longer and her family's concern. Gunner Beck's family is deeply affected by her boss's unwelcome attention, and her mother had encouraged her to report his behavior. However, Gunner Beck was reluctant to file a complaint due to the Army's handling of a previous incident where she experienced a sexual assault by another superior. The investigation discovered that the correct reporting process was not followed in that case, and the man involved received only a minor sanction and was asked to write Gunner Beck an apology letter. The family believes that the Army's mention of family issues and a bereavement as contributing factors to Gunner Beck's death is unwarranted, and they reject responsibility for her passing. The report also highlights instances of inappropriate sexual behavior towards female soldiers by their male peers at Larkhill Garrison, describing it as commonplace among a significant minority. Gunner Beck's mother expresses regret over her daughter's career choice and criticizes military personnel for their lack of compassion during the aftermath of her death. The Army extends its sympathies to Gunner Beck's family and friends and refrains from further comment until after the inquest. If anyone has been affected by the issues raised in the article, support resources can be found at BBC Action Line.