September, Friday 20, 2024

Gaza hospitals overwhelmed as air strikes escalate, leaving dead and injured in their wake


The Al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital in central Gaza is facing a dire situation as supplies and material to cover the dead are running out. The bodies are piling up in the hospital courtyard, where prayers are said and grieving relatives collapse in sorrow. Inside the hospital, doctors are struggling to treat the injured with limited medicine and supplies. The hospital is overwhelmed with casualties, and doctors are rushing to finish procedures before moving on to the next patient. Graphic images have emerged from the hospital, showing the tragic deaths of children, including babies. According to officials from the Hamas-controlled health ministry, over 100 people were killed in Israeli air strikes. The Israeli military claims to have targeted nearby areas based on intelligence confirming the presence of a Hamas leader. Other hospitals in Gaza, such as the al-Quds hospital, are experiencing similar scenes of devastation and lack of medical resources. Doctors are forced to make tough decisions on who to treat first, as patients continue to wait for surgery. The medical staff has also been depleted, and the hospital is now housing 1,200 displaced people. Hospitals across Gaza are in desperate need of supplies, as aid trucks have been limited and no fuel has entered Gaza since the conflict began. Unicef has raised concerns about the 120 babies in incubators and ventilators that depend on backup generators for their survival. The situation is critical, and the fuel supply to keep these machines running is running low.