September, Friday 20, 2024

Danish Queen Apologizes for Revoking Titles of Grandchildren


Queen Margrethe II of Denmark has offered an apology after removing the royal titles of her four grandchildren, although she has not reversed her decision. The Queen stated that she wanted the monarchy to be modern and in line with the times, and that she believed her decision was necessary to ensure the future of the institution. However, she admitted that she had underestimated the reaction from her family and expressed regret for that. The initial announcement was made last week and will take effect from next year. Under the new ruling, the grandchildren will no longer hold the titles of prince and princess, and instead will be known as Count and Countess of Monpezat. Prince Joachim, the Queen's younger son, expressed his disappointment with the change and mentioned that his children were being mistreated as a result. Joachim's wife, Princess Marie, also stated that their youngest child had faced bullying at school due to the sudden announcement. The family revealed that they had not been in contact with the Queen since the decision was made. Another grandchild, Prince Nikolai, expressed shock over the decision. Meanwhile, Queen Margrethe II's oldest son, Crown Prince Frederik, and his children will retain their titles. The Queen's apology came after receiving strong reactions to her decision, and she expressed her hope for peace and understanding within the family.