September, Friday 20, 2024

Daniel Noboa becomes the youngest president of Ecuador through election.


Businessman Daniel Noboa, aged 35, is set to become the youngest president in Ecuador's history. In Sunday's election, he secured 52.3% of the vote, defeating his opponent Luisa González who conceded defeat and congratulated him. Noboa is a member of the National Democratic Action party and is the son of Álvaro Noboa, who has previously run for the presidency five times. Noboa will serve as president for 17 months until the next election, governing from November 2023 to May 2025. If he wishes, he can run for the 2025-29 presidential term. The inauguration will take place on November 25, just five days before his 36th birthday. Noboa has pledged to rebuild Ecuador, which has suffered from violence, corruption, and hatred. The country has experienced a rise in gang violence and drug-related crimes, as well as the assassination of a candidate during the presidential campaign. To combat these issues, Noboa plans to relocate hardened criminals to prison ships off Ecuador's coast, enhance security at borders and ports, and create more job opportunities.