September, Friday 20, 2024

Police Canine Successfully Apprehends Fleeing Criminal in Pennsylvania


A fugitive in Pennsylvania who had escaped from prison was apprehended by police with the help of a police dog. Danelo Cavalcante, 34, was found hiding in thick underbrush in a wooded area after an aircraft detected his heat signal. Over 500 officers had been searching for him since his escape on August 31. Cavalcante had been sentenced to life in prison for killing his ex-girlfriend in front of her children in April 2021. Governor Josh Shapiro credited the work of law enforcement and the public for his capture. The search team used mounted patrols, dogs, and aircraft to search for Cavalcante. They were led to him by a burglar alarm, and an aircraft picked up his heat signal. Officers closed in on him and he was subdued by a police dog when he tried to escape. Cavalcante suffered minor bite wounds and a scalp wound during his apprehension. He will appear in court on a felony escape charge. The capture of Cavalcante brings relief to the family of his victim and has made headlines in his native Brazil.