September, Friday 20, 2024

Tragic Fatality: Allergic Dancer Consumes Cookie Containing Incorrect Labeling Ends in Death


A 25-year-old woman from England named Órla Baxendale tragically died from an allergic reaction after eating a cookie that did not have a warning about peanuts. She had purchased the seasonal cookie from Stew Leonard's, a grocery store chain in the northeast US. Despite using an EpiPen, Órla's life could not be saved. As a result, Stew Leonard's, in collaboration with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has recalled the batch of Vanilla Florentine Cookies that caused the reaction. Approximately 500 packages of these cookies were sold, and the grocery store has requested customers to return them. Órla had consumed the cookies in Connecticut, where she was preparing for a performance in a dance company's adaptation of Alice in Wonderland. Her family stated that she was always cautious about her peanut allergy and always carried an EpiPen with her. Unfortunately, using the EpiPen did not prevent her tragic death on January 11th. Originally from East Lancashire, Órla had moved to New York City in 2018 to pursue a career in dance. Described as an exceptional ballet, contemporary, and Irish step dancer with boundless enthusiasm, strength, and beauty, her obituary speaks to her remarkable talents. Stew Leonard's has issued a recall for the Vanilla and Chocolate Florentine Cookies, as they were found to contain undeclared peanuts and eggs. Those with allergies to these ingredients are at risk of severe or life-threatening reactions. The cookies were sold in two Connecticut towns from November 6th until the end of the year. The Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection Commissioner, Bryan Cafferelli, expressed his sorrow over Órla's death and announced efforts to prevent future tragedies. Stew Leonard's CEO, Stew Leonard Jr, accused the manufacturer, Cookies United, of changing the ingredients without notifying the company's chief safety officer. However, the manufacturer disputes this claim, asserting that Stew Leonard's was informed about the recipe change in July 2023. Lawyers representing Órla's family have stated that a preliminary investigation found the manufacturer and/or sellers negligent and reckless. Currently, no legal action has been taken against either party. Órla's family shared that she had been scheduled to go on a global tour with the dance company MOMIX. They added that despite her young age, she had lived a remarkable life and would always be remembered in their hearts.