September, Friday 20, 2024

Helen Mirren Reflects on the Challenging Act of Portraying Golda Meir, Emphasizing a Subtle Equilibrium


Dame Helen Mirren, the Oscar-winning actor, discussed the challenges of playing characters with different heritages in a recent interview with the BBC. Mirren, who is not Jewish, portrays former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir in her latest film. This role has faced criticism due to Mirren not sharing the same heritage as Meir. Mirren acknowledged the discomfort some may feel with her portrayal but noted that she cannot discern who in the room is Jewish. She emphasized that humanity is a diverse and remarkable mix. Mirren also mentioned the controversy surrounding actor Bradley Cooper, who wore makeup in the film Maestro to enhance his facial features, which some critics argued played into offensive Jewish stereotypes. The family of Leonard Bernstein, the character Cooper portrayed, supported the depiction. Mirren found the issue of assuming certain physical characteristics for a role offensive, yet she also acknowledged that if the appearance is accurate, it might be reasonable. Fellow actor Dame Maureen Lipman had previously questioned the casting of Mirren due to the character's Jewishness, comparing it to Ben Kingsley playing Nelson Mandela. The film Golda chronicles the life of Israel's first female prime minister during her tenure, including the Yom Kippur war. Mirren clarified that her portrayal focuses solely on Meir during that period, not attempting to explain or justify her actions. Mirren sees Meir's rise to power as a significant moment for women, given the complexity and importance of leading a country like Israel. Filmmaker Guy Nattiv praised Mirren's depiction of Meir's strength during the Yom Kippur war, highlighting her ability to remain true to herself rather than adopting a typical power-driven demeanor.