September, Friday 20, 2024

Surviving the Kfar Aza Kibbutz Massacre: Desperate Plea for Help After Being Shot


In a heart-wrenching incident, a young woman named Neta Portal was shot six times during an attack by Hamas gunmen at her home in the Jewish community of Kfar Aza. Despite not having spoken to her father for six years following her parents' divorce, Neta reached out to him for help as she believed he was the only one who could save her life. At that moment, her father, Shimon Portal, who was already engaged in a firefight in the nearby city of Sderot, received her message. However, by the time he received the message, the attack had already begun. Neta was eventually taken to a hospital in Tel Aviv where doctors successfully removed the bullets from her legs. She recalls the horrifying experience of being in and out of consciousness while the gunmen entered the safe room and opened fire. Her boyfriend, Santiago, who was by her side, also struggled to contain his emotions. Neta and Santiago had spent four months in Kfar Aza, which they considered as the most beautiful place on earth. They made a split-second decision to jump out of the window when an attacker threw a grenade into the room, but unfortunately, Neta was hit by more bullets. Santiago urged her to stand up and run, and they found safety under a pile of rubbish. Despite her injuries, Neta managed to message her father again, making him aware of her situation. Shimon, who was also in the hospital, describes the panic he felt upon receiving her message. He rushed to Kfar Aza, but as he arrived, gunmen opened fire at his unmarked car, forcing him to escape. After mustering the courage for a second attempt to rescue his daughter, Shimon located her and took her to the nearest hospital. The story concludes with a tearful reunion between father and daughter, but the relief they feel is overshadowed by anger and sorrow. Neta, who strongly believes in peace, expresses her frustration and calls for action against the Hamas militants who carried out the attack. She emphasizes the need for the Israeli army to enter Gaza and eliminate the terrorists one by one. Despite her anger, Neta clarifies that she does not wish harm upon innocent civilians in Gaza and hopes that they can be spared from the violence. The article concludes with Neta's resolute statement that it is necessary to fight back against those who threaten peace.