September, Friday 20, 2024

Czech lawmakers approve stricter gun regulations following a deadly shooting


MPs in the Czech Republic have passed a new gun legislation amendment following the deadliest mass shooting in the country's history. The amendment, which was proposed before the shooting took place, still needs to be approved by the senate and signed by the president. Additionally, it will not be enforced until 2026. The amendment aims to address some of the existing loopholes in the current gun control laws. Currently, there is no central control mechanism to alert the police if someone is amassing a large number of guns. The proposed amendment includes the creation of an updated online register to track both guns and their owners. Access to this register will be given to doctors, including psychiatrists, who can then evaluate an individual's mental health before granting a gun license. Gun shops will also be required to report suspicious purchases, and police will have the power to seize weapons as a precautionary measure. However, despite these proposed changes, mandatory psychological tests to obtain a gun license are not included in the amendment. It is expected that further amendments will be made during the legislation's journey through parliament. It is worth noting that the Czech Republic has a strong culture of gun ownership, with over 300,000 licensed gun owners and more than a million guns in circulation.