September, Friday 20, 2024

Migration visa changes cause distress for affected couples


Changes to immigration rules in the UK have left couples devastated as restrictions are introduced on who can apply to live in the country. From April 2024, British citizens or those settled in the UK will need to earn at least £38,700 before their overseas partner can join them, a significant increase from the current threshold of £18,600. Additionally, couples must provide evidence of being in a marriage or civil partnership, or living together for a minimum of two years. The government argues that the higher income requirement will help reduce immigration and ensure families can support themselves. However, couples affected by the changes are expressing heartache and frustration at having their plans disrupted. Many believe the new rules will make it nearly impossible for them to start a life together in the UK. The increased income requirement is expected to have a greater impact on those with lower incomes, particularly women and younger people. Some individuals are now faced with the difficult decision of whether to stay in their current country or leave their loved ones behind.