September, Friday 20, 2024

Controversial Spy Cameras Hidden within Clothes Hooks Available for Purchase on Amazon


Spy cameras in the form of clothes hooks are being sold on Amazon, despite the company facing a lawsuit over these devices. One listing on the website even features a picture of the camera in a bathroom. This comes after a judge ruled that Amazon must face a case brought by a woman who claims she was recorded in a bathroom using a clothes hook camera purchased on the platform. Experts warn that the misuse of such cameras may break British laws. Amazon has declined to comment on the issue. The lawsuit against the company was filed by a foreign exchange student and aspiring actress who alleges that she was secretly recorded as a child in a West Virginia home using a clothes hook camera purchased on Amazon. The man accused of being responsible for this is currently facing trial. The complaint notes that the Amazon listing for the camera had a picture of it being used in a bathroom, along with the phrase "it won't attract attention." The lawsuit seeks punitive damages against Amazon, claiming that the company should have foreseen the possible misuse of the camera. Despite these legal issues, similar cameras are readily available on, with various listings showing them in bathrooms and bedrooms. Some listings even include images suggesting spying on others. Experts warn that using these cameras inappropriately could violate multiple UK laws, including harassment, child protection, voyeurism, sexual offenses, and human rights laws. There are also concerns about data protection if videos from these cameras are widely shared.