September, Friday 20, 2024

Colorado's Highest Court Disqualifies Trump from Ballot


Donald Trump has been removed from the 2024 presidential ballot in Colorado by the state's Supreme Court. The decision was made based on the insurrection clause in the US Constitution, specifically section 3 of the 14th Amendment. However, the ruling has been put on hold until the appeal next month. Previous attempts to remove Trump from the ballot in other states have failed. It's important to note that this decision only applies to Colorado and not other states. The Colorado Supreme Court stated that it would be a violation of the Election Code to list Trump as a candidate due to his disqualification from holding the office of President under Section Three. This ruling overturns an earlier decision by a Colorado judge who found that the insurrection ban of the 14th Amendment did not apply to presidents. The judge also determined that Trump had participated in the insurrection at the US Capitol in 2021. The Trump campaign criticized the ruling as flawed, suggesting that Democrats are concerned about Trump's popularity in the polls and are attempting to impede his potential return to office. The campaign plans to file an appeal to the US Supreme Court. This is a developing story, and more information will be provided shortly.