September, Friday 20, 2024

Increased Security Measures Implemented at Cologne Cathedral in Response to Terrorist Threat


Security at Cologne Cathedral in Germany has been increased following warnings of a potential attack plot. Worshipers attending the Christmas Eve service were advised to arrive early and avoid bringing large bags. Although the information suggested threats for New Year's Eve rather than Christmas, the city's police chief announced that security measures would be heightened. There have been concerns about attacks in multiple European countries during the festive season. Authorities conducted a search at Cologne Cathedral using sniffer dogs, but found no sign of explosives. The police chief, Michael Esser, assured that they were taking all necessary steps to ensure the safety of visitors. Similar concerns have been raised by authorities in Austria and Spain, who have indicated that radical Islamists may be planning attacks around Christmas or New Year. On Saturday, four individuals were arrested in Austria for potential connections to an Islamist cell, although it remains uncertain if the arrests were related to the plot in Cologne. Near Vienna's St Stephen's cathedral, numerous police officers have been deployed, yet the interior ministry stated that there was no immediate threat in the area. Earlier this month, seven individuals in Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands were detained on suspicion of planning attacks. European Home Affairs Commission, Ylva Johansson, mentioned on 5 December that the EU faced a significant risk of terrorist attacks during the holiday period.