September, Friday 20, 2024

Possible Death of Suspect in Clapham Chemical Attack Under Investigation by Police


The Clapham chemical attack suspect, Abdul Shokoor Ezedi, is believed to be dead after reportedly going into the River Thames, according to the police. Ezedi, aged 35, has been missing since the night of the attack on January 31, where a corrosive substance was thrown at a mother and her two children. During a press conference on Friday, the police stated that their working theory is that Ezedi went into the water after his last sighting at Chelsea Bridge. Although no body has been found, the police do not rule out the possibility that it may never be recovered. CCTV footage shows Ezedi walking purposefully towards the Thames for about four miles, with his behavior changing upon reaching Chelsea Bridge, where he was seen leaning over the railings before disappearing from view. Cmdr Jon Savell stated that extensive examination of available cameras and assistance from Transport for London and CCTV from buses provide no evidence of Ezedi leaving the bridge. Detective Superintendent Rick Sewart believes that death is the most likely outcome if Ezedi entered the water. The police also mentioned that there is no indication from the CCTV footage that Ezedi had any contact with others. The most recent sighting of the suspect was captured by CCTV at around 23:27 GMT on January 31, crossing Chelsea Bridge. Following the attack, a manhunt for Ezedi has been ongoing, with police conducting raids in properties linked to him in the Newcastle area. Ezedi is wanted on suspicion of attempted murder, while the woman who was attacked, revealed to be in a relationship with the suspect, remains hospitalized and sedated. Concerns have been raised about her potentially losing sight in one eye. The two children involved in the incident, aged eight and three, have been discharged. Ezedi, an Afghan refugee who arrived in the UK in 2016, had his asylum claim rejected twice, but successfully appealed against the Home Office by claiming religious conversion to Christianity. In 2018, he was convicted of two sexual offenses, but was permitted to remain in the country as his crimes did not meet the deportation threshold.