September, Friday 20, 2024

Chuck Grassley earns title of 'matchmaker' with 20 staff marriages


Senator Chuck Grassley, a 90-year-old Republican, has gained a new nickname on social media - the ultimate matchmaker. In a recent post, Grassley mentioned attending a wedding for two of his employees who met at his office. He revealed that this was the 20th couple to marry after meeting in his office. Grassley shared a photo of himself and his wife of 69 years with the newlyweds at the ceremony. The senator's claim drew attention from singles in the Washington, DC area, some of whom joked about working in his office to find love. While some congratulated the couple, others suggested that the high number of staff marriages indicated Grassley's longevity in Congress. Grassley, who has been in office for 48 years, faces competition from Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who reportedly has a track record of facilitating staff marriages.