September, Friday 20, 2024

Chinese government advises citizens to be cautious of foreign spies using seduction tactics


The Ministry of State Security in China has issued a warning to its citizens about the dangers of being lured by "exotic beauties" who are actually foreign spies. The ministry highlighted a case in which a Chinese man named Li Si was blackmailed by foreign spies after visiting a nightclub while abroad. The ministry's WeChat post, titled "Hunting for beauty? You may become the prey," reflects the growing sense of insecurity among China's leaders. The ministry has been actively raising awareness about the risks posed by foreign spies and has even publicized arrests of individuals involved in espionage. Analysts believe that these warnings indicate a perceived threat from the outside world by the current Chinese leadership. The most recent warning shared a graphic account of an incident where a local tour guide invited Mr. Li to an adult entertainment venue and coerced him into joining their intelligence organization by using compromising photos of him. Mr. Li, who worked for a state-owned firm, unknowingly handed over classified information, causing significant harm to China's national security. The ministry emphasized that Mr. Li's nightmare continued even after returning to China, as he was continuously pressured to provide classified information. The ministry stated that Mr. Li had been arrested and will face a strict trial. In addition to warnings about honey traps, the ministry has also cautioned citizens against photographing military equipment and highlighted the risks of aviation enthusiasts transmitting flight data to other countries.