September, Friday 20, 2024

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi travels to Russia for discussions on security matters.


China's top diplomat, Wang Yi, is currently in Russia for security talks, which is seen as a move to strengthen the alliance between Moscow and Beijing. Russia has been accused of waging war on Ukraine, and China, a close ally of Russia, has faced allegations of indirectly supporting Russia during this conflict. Wang's visit is believed to be paving the way for a significant visit from Russian President Vladimir Putin to Beijing in the near future. Putin had previously expressed his expectation to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping, although no specific date was mentioned. Notably, Putin has not traveled abroad since an arrest warrant was issued against him by the International Criminal Court over war crimes in Ukraine. The timing of Wang's visit is also significant as it follows Putin's meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, which was expected to result in an arms deal. China's foreign ministry stated that Wang's visit to Russia is for "strategic security consultations." According to Moscow, Wang will meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to discuss issues related to the settlement in Ukraine and Asia-Pacific security. The meeting between Putin and Kim has attracted attention, with the US accusing them of discussing the potential sale of North Korean arms to Russia. It is believed that Russia is facing a shortage of weapons and ammunition, and this meeting with North Korea might alleviate that shortage. However, China's foreign ministry declined to comment on this meeting, stating it was a matter between the two countries. Some analysts believe that China may be aware of and even implicitly consent to any military cooperation between Russia and North Korea, given its close ties with both countries. These ties extend beyond ideological similarities and a shared distrust of the US and the West. China has been a crucial economic lifeline for North Korea through trade, and it has also increased its purchases of Russian oil and gas over the past year, becoming an economic supporter of Moscow. Alexander Korolev, an expert on China-Russia relations, suggests that China might view North Korea as a useful proxy to assist Russia in the Ukraine conflict. By allowing military cooperation between Russia and North Korea, China helps Russia without facing significant reputational costs. This could be a smart move on China's part, according to Korolev. Wang's visit to Russia comes after his meeting with US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan in Malta. The discussions between Wang and Sullivan encompassed various topics, including regional security and the Ukraine conflict. While the US may be pressuring China to prevent cooperation with North Korea, it is unlikely that China would comply, considering its previous reluctance to take action to stop the war. China has faced accusations from the US of providing economic assistance to Russia and supplying key technology since the start of the conflict in Ukraine. A US intelligence report released in July claimed that China is implementing economic mechanisms to support Russia and mitigate the impact of Western sanctions. China has consistently denied these allegations and maintains that it maintains an objective position on the conflict. In fact, China has proposed its own peace plan for Ukraine. Wang's visit to Russia is part of ongoing efforts to strengthen the alliance between Beijing and Moscow. With accusations and controversies surrounding Russia's actions in Ukraine and its relationship with North Korea, China's role and intentions in this complex situation remain under close observation.