September, Friday 20, 2024

China's nuclear arsenal experiences significant expansion, according to US reports


China has significantly increased its nuclear stockpile in the past year and now possesses about 500 operational warheads, according to a report by the US Pentagon. The report also states that China aims to double its arsenal to over 1,000 warheads by 2030. However, China maintains a "no-first strike" policy. Despite surpassing projections, China's stockpile is still much smaller compared to Russia and the US, which possess around 5,889 and 5,244 warheads respectively. China's President Xi Jinping has emphasized his goal of having a "world-class military" by 2049. The Pentagon report highlights China's ambitious efforts to expand its nuclear arsenal, including the construction of three clusters of missile sites, including at least 300 new Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) silos. The report suggests that China aims to develop ICBMs capable of targeting the continental US. It also mentions that China has applied diplomatic, political, and military pressure on Taiwan in recent months, with President Xi reportedly ordering the military capability to retake the island by 2027. The report's release coincides with strained relations between China and the US, with the US accusing Chinese air force pilots of engaging in hundreds of "coercive and risky" maneuvers against US military planes in the Pacific.