September, Thursday 19, 2024

Desire and Yearning between China and Taiwan


Shanshan, a 24-year-old from Changsha City in central China, had never met anyone from Taiwan and didn't pay much attention to news about the self-governing island, which her country considers Chinese territory. But everything changed when she fell in love with her Taiwanese boyfriend while playing online video games. They discovered that they had different views on the future of Taiwan, with Shanshan supporting her country's position on unification and her boyfriend wanting to maintain the status quo. Their differing views have created real barriers for their relationship, as China banned individual tourists from visiting Taiwan in 2019 and Shanshan's boyfriend faces difficulties when he comes to China. The couple hopes for positive developments and a better cross-strait relationship in the future. China's relationship with Taiwan is critical for them, as closer ties between the two countries would make it easier for them to be together. However, for many residents of China, the issue of Taiwan is part of a larger vision held by the government, while for others it is not a priority. The ties between Taiwan and China will have an impact on their relationship, but for now, they remain hopeful and supportive of each other.