September, Friday 20, 2024

India's Achievements in Space Exploration: Reaching the Moon with Chandrayaan, Targeting the Sun with Aditya-L1, and Setting Sights on Gaganyaan


In 2023, India achieved a significant milestone in space exploration by successfully landing Chandrayaan-3 on the lunar south pole, an area that had not been reached before. This accomplishment made India a part of an elite group of nations including the US, the former Soviet Union, and China, who have achieved a soft landing on the Moon. Following this achievement, India continued to make strides in space exploration. India sent an observation mission to the Sun and conducted a key test flight in preparation for its planned mission of sending astronauts into space in 2025. The landing of the Chandrayaan-3 lander was a nerve-wracking 20-minute ordeal for scientists at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). The lander's speed was gradually reduced, allowing for a soft landing in the challenging terrain of the lunar south pole. Over the next 10 days, significant data and images were collected by the lander and rover, providing valuable insights into the lunar surface. Some of the findings included differences in temperature above and below the lunar surface and the presence of various chemicals in the soil. One of the highlights of the mission was Vikram's "hop experiment," where the lander successfully rose up by 40cm and landed at a distance of 30-40cm. This experiment demonstrated the potential for future sample return missions or human missions using similar spacecraft. In addition to the Moon landing, India launched its first observation mission to the Sun, named Aditya-L1. This mission aims to study the solar corona, photosphere, and chromosphere, providing valuable insights into solar activity and its impact on Earth and space weather. Furthermore, India conducted a test flight of the Gaganyaan spacecraft, which is part of its planned mission to send astronauts into space in 2025. The successful test demonstrated the crew's ability to safely escape the rocket in case of malfunction. Overall, India's strides in space exploration have garnered global attention and placed the country in the history books. With significant achievements in lunar exploration and plans for future missions, India's space agency, ISRO, continues to push the boundaries of space exploration.