September, Friday 20, 2024

Slim chances for India's Chandrayaan-3 Moon Lander to revive before impending lunar night


Indian space scientists say that the chances of the Moon lander waking up are now very slim as a new lunar night begins. The Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) has not confirmed if there will be further efforts to communicate with the lander. Isro previously stated that the lander and rover had completed all their assignments and more. The lander, carrying the Pragyaan rover, landed near the Moon's south pole on 23 August and spent two weeks gathering data before entering sleep mode at lunar nightfall. The project initially had a 14-day lifespan, but hopes that the lander would recharge and reawaken have faded. Former Isro chief G Madhavan Nair said the extreme cold on the Moon, with temperatures reaching as low as -250C (-418F), was not survivable for the lander. Isro has provided regular updates on the mission's progress and achievements, and recently confirmed that the lander's hop experiment on the Moon exceeded its objectives. Despite the setback, India has made history with this mission, becoming the fourth country to successfully achieve a soft landing on the Moon, following the US, the former Soviet Union, and China.