September, Friday 20, 2024

Cardiff University's Student Union Implements New Dress Code Prohibiting Blue Shirts and Chinos


The Cardiff University Students' Union has decided to ban the attire of blue shirts and chinos due to concerns over dangerous behavior exhibited by some students. This dress code restriction specifically applies to the union's Wednesday club night called Yolo. The decision comes after a group of male students engaged in reckless and irresponsible actions while waiting in line for the union on October 4th. Authorities were able to address the situation without it escalating into a major incident, but the Students' Union viewed it as a serious matter. Since introducing the ban, the Union has noticed an improvement in queuing behavior. The email, sent to members of the university's Athletic Union, called for those responsible for the incident to be identified so that appropriate action can be taken. Until the Students' Union is confident that such behavior has been eliminated, the ban will remain in place. Cardiff University has stated that comments about the matter should come from either the Students' Union or the Athletic Union.