September, Friday 20, 2024

Canada's Prominent QAnon Figure Relocates Nearby

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A self-proclaimed "queen" and her followers, who have been camping out in an old school in the Canadian village of Richmound for two months, have finally left for a nearby farm. However, residents are concerned that they may return. The presence of the group, led by Romana Didulo, a conspiracy theorist inspired by QAnon, stirred up opposition from locals and resulted in a strong police presence and at least one arrest. The group's activities have involved traveling around Canada in motorhomes and other vehicles. When they moved into the former school in September, villagers protested, driving around the buildings in their cars and honking their horns. Village officials expressed their desire to have the group leave, but were unable to intervene as the school is privately owned by one of Didulo's supporters. Ricky Manz, the current owner, was arrested and charged with assault during an altercation in October. Didulo and her followers regularly broadcasted online from the school, and recently, villagers noticed a potential fire code violation during one livestream. When local officials attempted to inspect the premises, they were refused entry, but within an hour, the group started packing up and left. Reports suggest they initially went east but are now believed to be on a farm to the west of the village. Although the villagers are glad they are gone, they remain wary of a possible return. Didulo and her followers have made threats against local officials and previously targeted medical professionals and journalists. Despite their departure, a flag belonging to the group was still seen flying above the school. Didulo, who immigrated from the Philippines to Canada as a teenager, has been involved in various businesses and established a fringe political party in 2020. The group is considered a distinct Canadian offshoot of the sovereign citizen movement, which includes anti-government groups that evade taxes and create their own fake legal systems, predominantly found in the US. Didulo utilizes her Telegram channel to issue decrees absolving her 34,000 followers from bills and debts, although these decrees hold no legal weight, resulting in some of her followers losing their homes and vehicles after following her advice. She also spreads anti-vaccination conspiracy theories and promotes QAnon ideas. The group previously participated in protests in Ottawa and attempted to arrest police officers in Peterborough, Ontario, with six of her followers getting arrested instead. The mayor of Richmound hopes the group will leave Saskatchewan altogether. No response was received from Didulo or other group members when contacted.