September, Friday 20, 2024

Burkina Faso's military leaders claim to have prevented a coup endeavor


The military government of Burkina Faso announced that they successfully stopped a coup attempt on Tuesday. The government stated that some officers and other individuals had planned to destabilize the country and cause chaos. This comes less than a year after Capt Ibrahim Traoré took power in the country's second coup of 2022. Burkina Faso has been dealing with an Islamist insurgency. The authorities, in a televised statement, confirmed that several arrests have been made in connection with the coup attempt, although further details were not given. There have been recent reports of unrest within the military. On Tuesday, rumors of a brewing mutiny resulted in hundreds of people demonstrating in support of the junta in the capital city of Ouagadougou. On the same day, the government suspended the French-language news magazine Jeune Afrique, accusing it of publishing articles that discredit the armed forces.