September, Friday 20, 2024

Teenager Alex Batty set to return to the UK shortly


A British teenager who had been missing for six years has been found in France and is set to return to the UK soon, according to the police. The 17-year-old, named Alex Batty, disappeared while on a vacation in Spain with his mother and grandfather in 2017. Greater Manchester Police (GMP) stated that Alex's family in the UK is extremely relieved by the news and experiencing a range of emotions. Ensuring his safe return to the UK is their top priority. Alex was discovered on Wednesday near Toulouse in southern France by a motorist. Chris Sykes, an assistance chief constable of GMP, expressed the force's relief and joy at the teenager's safety. He described it as a significant moment for Alex, his family, and the community in Oldham. Sykes mentioned that although Alex had spoken to his grandmother through a video call, further checks are required when he returns to the UK. The police are now focused on bringing Alex back home and investigating the circumstances of his disappearance and where he had been during those missing years. Alex's mother, who lacks parental guardianship, is involved in the investigation but her whereabouts are currently unknown. A motorist had taken Alex to a police station after spotting him on a road in the foothills of the Pyrenees. The teenager revealed that he had been walking for four days, starting from a mountainous location. After learning about Alex's situation online, the motorist sought assistance from French authorities. During their conversation, Alex shared his story with the motorist and borrowed his phone to contact his grandmother. It is believed that Alex had been living in various places in the remote Pyrenean valleys, associating with alternative communities. However, he refuses to disclose the whereabouts of his mother or his exact living situation in the Pyrenees. Alex's grandmother had previously suggested that Alex's mother and grandfather had taken him to live with a spiritual community in Morocco, as they sought a non-traditional lifestyle and did not want him to attend school. The family had traveled to Marbella in Spain in September 2017 and were scheduled to return to the UK in October, but Alex was last seen at the Port of Malaga on that day. The UK embassy in Paris alerted British authorities, and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office confirmed their support for a British citizen in France and their ongoing contact with local authorities.