September, Friday 20, 2024

The UK's Most Isolated Sheep Goes Into Hiding Due to Dispute Over Relocation


There is a dispute over the plans to relocate Britain's loneliest sheep. The sheep, now called Fiona, was found stranded at the bottom of cliffs in the Scottish Highlands for over two years before being rescued. However, an animal rights group argues that rehoming her to a farm park near Dumfries would exploit her and turn her into a spectacle. Fiona's overgrown fleece has been removed, but she is currently in hiding due to the presence of activists at Dalscone Farm. Last month, Fiona's plight gained attention after a kayaker captured a photo of her still trapped at the cliffs. An online petition to rescue Fiona received thousands of signatures. Despite the successful rescue mission, a disagreement arose over the decision to rehome Fiona at a farm park, with Animal Rising protesting for her to be relocated to a sanctuary instead. The group claimed that they had been planning a similar rescue operation but were beaten to it. Farmer Ben from Dalscone Farm expressed feeling intimidated by the activists who staged a peaceful protest. He assured that Fiona would be given the best care and time to settle in at the farm park, although plans to introduce her to other animals have been put on hold. The rescue operation, led by professional shearer Cammy Wilson, removed Fiona's thick fleece. Wilson believed Dalscone Farm was the ideal place for her, as he was motivated to help her after seeing criticism about the farmer who previously owned her. Fiona is currently in a secret location while a resolution is sought regarding her future home. Despite her isolation, she is reportedly well-fed and in good health.