September, Thursday 19, 2024

First person tried for attacking government buildings in Brazil receives a 17-year sentence for involvement in riots


A man has been sentenced to 17 years in prison for his involvement in the riots that occurred in Brazil's capital after the presidential election. The riots took place after Jair Bolsonaro, the far-right president, lost the election and thousands of people refused to accept the result. Aecio Pereira, who was convicted of attempting a coup, is the first person to be tried in connection with the attacks. Pereira claimed he was participating in a peaceful protest, but he was arrested inside the Senate building and was seen urging supporters to take to the streets. The rioters believed the election was rigged and vandalized government buildings, including the presidential palace and the high court. Some individuals also called for a military intervention by camping outside army buildings. Pereira and three others will be tried before Brazil's Supreme Court, which plans to hear a total of 232 cases related to the riots. Prosecutors are also investigating over 1,000 others for their involvement in the attacks. The Supreme Court has agreed to include President Bolsonaro in the probe, as prosecutors believe he may have encouraged the riots by questioning the legitimacy of the election. However, Bolsonaro has denied any involvement, stating that the riots went beyond democratic protest.