September, Friday 20, 2024

Boris Nadezhdin Vies for Russian Presidency as a Contender to Putin


Boris Nadezhdin, a Kremlin challenger, has announced that he has gathered enough signatures to run as a candidate in Russia's forthcoming presidential election. Known for his outspoken criticism of President Putin and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Nadezhdin stated that he presented over 100,000 required signatures to the election authorities. The electoral commission will now review his application. Meanwhile, President Putin has already registered as an independent candidate for the election, likely guaranteeing his reelection for another six-year period. Nadezhdin, who served as a local councillor for over 30 years, has managed to express his criticism of Putin without repercussions thus far. He recently accused the President of "practically destroying the key institutions of modern Russia" and stated that his priority, if elected, would be to end the war in Ukraine. Nadezhdin shared a photo of himself with numerous boxes containing the signed papers from his supporters, expressing pride in the hard work and dedication of those who stood in freezing cold queues to support him. Thousands of Russians nationwide have joined these queues to add their signatures to Nadezhdin's candidacy. Since 2000, Russia's political landscape has been predominantly shaped by Vladimir Putin, who has been able to extend his tenure through a constitutional amendment in 2020. If victorious in March, Putin will continue as president until 2030 and potentially even until 2036 if he chooses to run again.