September, Friday 20, 2024

Flooding in Bolivia: Numerous fatalities reported following heavy rainfall


Bolivia is facing severe flooding as torrential rains continue to cause havoc in the country. The heavy downpours have triggered landslides and led to rivers overflowing their banks, resulting in a death toll of 33 since November. This number is eight times higher than the same period last year. The government is closely monitoring several dams, fearing that they may overflow. Out of Bolivia's 340 municipalities, ten have been placed on the highest alert, and 279 others are on orange alert - the second highest level of alert. Aid has already been sent to Achocalla, where a mudslide buried a woman and her two children in their home. In La Paz province, authorities are keeping a close watch on the water levels in the Incachaca dam. Although the reservoir is currently at 100% capacity, officials state that the water is draining well and there should not be any major consequences downstream. Three other reservoirs - Hampaturi Alto, Pampalarama, and Alpaquita - are also at their maximum level. These heavy rains come after a prolonged drought and an unusually hot winter in Bolivia. Climate change has made extreme rainfall events more likely in the country. The global temperatures have already risen by approximately 1.1C since the start of the industrial era, highlighting the urgent need for governments to reduce emissions and mitigate climate change.