September, Friday 20, 2024

Discoveries of Deceased Individuals Unearthed in the Remains of US Military Plane Close to Japan


American and Japanese search teams have discovered five bodies in the wreckage of a US military aircraft that crashed near Yakushima island. The aircraft, a CV-22 Osprey, was carrying eight people, but only one had been found previously. Two of the five bodies found on Monday have been recovered. The crash led Tokyo to request that the US temporarily grounds its Osprey planes in the country. The cause of the incident is still unknown. Efforts to recover the remaining crew members from the wreckage are ongoing. The first victim identified was Staff Sgt Jake Galliher, a 24-year-old from Massachusetts. Ospreys, introduced in 2007, have both helicopter and turboprop aircraft capabilities. This is not the first incident involving Ospreys, with crashes in Australia and California causing multiple fatalities. Japan, the only other nation to operate Ospreys, also grounded its fleet and requested the US to do the same. However, Japan will have limited involvement in the crash investigation, causing anger within the country.