September, Friday 20, 2024

Bobi Wine placed under confinement at his residence upon arriving back in Uganda


Ugandan opposition leader Bobi Wine has claimed that he was forcibly detained and placed under house arrest upon his return to the country. Wine, a former pop star turned politician, is seen as the strongest challenger to President Yoweri Museveni, who has been in power for nearly 40 years. Throughout his political career, Wine has faced multiple arrests and charges, including treason. However, the police have denied Wine's arrest and stated that he was merely escorted home, urging people to disregard rumors. Wine's return from abroad was met with anticipation by his supporters, who see him as a symbol of change in a country dominated by one leader for decades. Last month, police banned rallies held by Wine's National Unity Platform (NUP) due to concerns over public order. The authorities in Uganda have a history of using preventative arrest tactics to detain opposition leaders briefly before releasing them to deter mass protests.