September, Friday 20, 2024

Concerns arise for the loved ones left behind by a Blackpool family who escaped Gaza


A British family who escaped from Gaza with very few belongings are uncertain about their future and are concerned about the safety of their loved ones left behind. Emad Abuaassi and his wife Stephanie had moved to Gaza from Blackpool a year ago to be closer to Emad's family. However, when the conflict broke out, they made the difficult decision to leave their apartment in the middle of the night. On 3 November, they crossed the border into Egypt and flew back to the UK, but they are currently without a permanent place to live. Emad's family home in northern Gaza has been completely destroyed, and he is worried about the safety of his mother, siblings, and relatives in southern Gaza. The family is currently staying in emergency hotel accommodation in Cardiff while they wait to secure temporary housing. They are also eager for their children to resume their education, as it was abruptly disrupted on 7 October. Moreover, Mrs. Abuaassi urgently needs medical aid as she has been without her necessary medication for 15 days. The family's 14-year-old son expressed his concerns for their relatives in Gaza, who are all cramped together in one house. Despite the challenging circumstances, he is grateful for their current living conditions in the emergency hotel, as it provides them with comfortable beds instead of sleeping on the floor. The family is sharing two hotel rooms while awaiting news on housing options. The young boy looks forward to returning to school and believes it is crucial to settle down in a permanent home soon.