September, Friday 20, 2024

India's Supreme Court revokes release of Gujarat gangrape convicts, including Bilkis Bano


India's Supreme Court has overturned a government order that granted early release to 11 men convicted of gang raping a pregnant Muslim woman and murdering 14 members of her family during the 2002 anti-Muslim riots in Gujarat. The convicts, who were part of a Hindu mob, were serving life sentences. Their release in August 2022 caused global outrage, as they were given a heroes' welcome and shown respect by their relatives. The court ruled that the state of Gujarat did not have the authority to grant remission orders for convicts who were tried and convicted in another state. The decision to release the men, despite opposition from federal prosecutors, was seen as unjust by the victim, Bilkis Bano, who had fought for justice for years. She called on the Gujarat government to rectify the harm caused by their release and restore her right to live without fear. Bano's struggle for justice has been marked by intimidation, evidence destruction, and death threats. Her case was ultimately transferred to Mumbai, as the courts in Gujarat were deemed incapable of delivering justice. The continued fear of retaliation has forced her family to move multiple times and still prevents them from returning home.