September, Friday 20, 2024

Biden Asserts That Trump's 'Vermin' Rhetoric Resembles Nazi Propaganda


US President Joe Biden has accused former President Donald Trump of using language reminiscent of Nazi Germany. Biden's criticism came after Trump referred to his political opponents as "vermin" during a recent rally. Biden's remarks indicate a growing willingness to confront Trump, as both men prepare for a potential election rematch. Trump's campaign spokesperson denounced Biden's accusation, calling it "despicable." During the rally in New Hampshire, Trump vowed to remove individuals he deemed as communists, Marxists, fascists, and radical leftists living like vermin in the US. Biden referenced this statement during a fundraiser in San Francisco, stating that Trump's rhetoric echoes language from Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Historians and experts agree with Biden's comparison, noting that Nazi attacks on political adversaries were similar to the rhetoric used by Trump. However, some caution against directly equating Trump's intentions with those of the Nazis, describing it as an attempt to incite the masses. The Democratic base has long compared Trump's language to that of dictators. Biden initially emphasized unity during his 2020 campaign, but in his presidency, he has taken a more aggressive stance against Trump. The president now contends that Trump and his allies pose a threat to democracy. Trump's use of inflammatory language has persisted throughout his campaign, including likening immigrants to "poison" in an interview. The term "vermin" specifically echoes Nazi propaganda that compared Jewish people to rats and insects. While acknowledging the sensitivity of such comparisons, experts argue that labeling the entire left side of the political spectrum as "vermin" and a danger to the country is more concerning than drawing parallels to dark historical times.