September, Thursday 19, 2024

Bhagwa Love Trap: An Emerging Online Trend in India With Real-Life Consequences


A controversial theory called "Bhagwa Love Trap" is spreading online in India, claiming that Hindu men are intentionally seducing Muslim women. This theory is a response to the long-standing theory of "love jihad," which suggests that Muslim men are conspiring to convert Hindu women. While there is little evidence to support either theory, they have led to real-world violence and harassment. Muslim women like Maryam have been targeted by doxxing attacks, with her personal details exposed online, simply because she was photographed with Hindu men. Interfaith relationships remain taboo in conservative Indian families, making these theories particularly sensitive. While investigations have found no proof of these conspiracies, videos promoting them have been viewed millions of times on social media. The political climate in India has only fueled these theories, with politicians discussing "love jihad" in public discourse. Proponents of the "Bhagwa Love Trap" theory argue that videos showing Hindutva leaders encouraging Hindu men to pursue Muslim women serve as evidence. However, fact-checking websites have debunked many videos supporting this theory. Hindu nationalist groups deny the existence of the love trap, while also promoting "love jihad." The divisive religious landscape in India has provided fertile ground for these conspiracy theories to flourish, causing harm both online and offline.