September, Friday 20, 2024

Berlin anticipates tense reception for Erdogan following his strong condemnation of Israel


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's state visit to Germany is being kept low-key, with no public speeches or joint appearances. Erdogan will meet with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and have dinner with Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The visit is shrouded in secrecy and lacks the usual fanfare associated with state visits. Germany hopes the visit goes unnoticed as it comes at a difficult time in German-Turkish relations. The recent conflict between Israel and Hamas has put Germany and Turkey on opposing sides. Erdogan has faced criticism for his refusal to condemn Hamas and his comments questioning Israel's legitimacy. Jewish leaders in Germany have accused him of fueling antisemitism. Germany's unwavering support for Israel is a key cornerstone of its foreign policy, which makes Erdogan's visit contentious. The escalating Israeli attacks on Gaza and growing outrage in Germany are causing strain on Germany's support for Israel. Pro-Palestinian demonstrations have taken place in Germany, and tensions could be inflamed if Erdogan comments on the conflict during his visit. Despite the strained relationship, Germany and Turkey have mutual dependencies. Germany is an important trade partner for Turkey and home to a large Turkish diaspora community. Erdogan is popular among Turkish voters in Germany. Additionally, Germany seeks Turkish assistance in controlling migration and wants more support in Russia's war in Ukraine. These issues will be addressed in private discussions during Erdogan's visit, but the German government is apprehensive about his potential public statements. Chancellor Scholz regrets extending the invitation to Erdogan after his re-election in May.